How to Use the Summer Months to Create or Grow Your Reflexology Business

During the summer months the rhythm of life for most people changes, the schools close bringing new routines, summer get aways are a must for many, along with day trips and time with loved ones.

This change in rhythm may apply to both you and your clients, which can bring a change to how many appointments you deliver and your normal working routine.

Since creating Love Reflexology many reflexologists within the Facebook community have shared they experience a much quieter diary during July and August.

If this is something you too experience, the summer slowdown presents a great opportunity for your reflexology business.

Explore my ideas below to discover why!

Newly Qualified Reflexologists

If you are a newly qualified reflexologist the quieter, summer months are a fabulous time to create your business. Just imagine getting everything ready to launch it for when everyone is back in their usual routines.

You could use this time to:

  • Organise your branding, including colour palettes, a logo, and photography to use on your website and social media marketing;
  • Develop your digital marketing, which will include your website and social media profiles;
  • Develop your offline marketing, this may include your business card, treatment vouchers, price list etc.;
  • Create a marketing plan to attract clients to your new business;
  • Work through the requirements to create your business such as registering it with HMRC and ensuring the correct insurances are in place.

Existing Business Owners

If you have been in business for a while, you too can take advantage of the summer months to work on your business. It can provide an opportunity to reevaluate your marketing strategy, and tweak existing ways of working.

You could use this time to:

  • Update your website and make sure all the information is correct and up-to-date;
  • Check your professional membership listing or any other directories your business appears on, to make sure your business details are correct;
  • Evaluate your social media marketing to assess what is working and what changes you could make to attract more clients to your work;
  • Update your Instagram bio to make sure visitors to your account know exactly what you do and how you can help them;
  • Start an email newsletter to stay connected to your clients. You may wish to explore providers including MailerLite or MailChimp who offer this service;
  • Write your blog posts for the final part of the year;
  • Review your treatment prices;
  • Work with a coach or mentor to develop your business further.

Using the summer to update your marketing and to create content for the final part of the year will help you to stay proactive, may help to reduce the stress you may feel from seeing fewer clients, and help you to be organised with your marketing for when the busy period begins.

Boost Your Well-Being

No matter what stage you are at within your business, the summer is also a fabulous time to boost your own well-being.

You could use this time to recharge and boost your self-care, book your own reflexology treatment or two, and you will be raring to support your clients once more.

What If You Want/Need to Boost Bookings?

Of course, your situation may be different and you may want and need to have a full appointment diary during the summer months.

If you would like to be busy and attract additional clients to fill the gaps for when existing clients are on holiday, you could:

  • Create a summer treatment to encourage people to book – don’t forget to promote this in your newsletter, on your website and social media accounts, and in your treatment room;
  • Collaborate with another local business to create a summer event;
  • Host an Instagram live with another local business owner to attract new clients to your work.

Final Word

If the quieter summer months have caused you concern in the past for your reflexology business, remember it does not have to be this way.

You can use this time to work on your business which will allow you to boost your client numbers after the holiday season, try new things to have a busy diary during July and August to attract new clients, and you can use it to boost your own well-being, which as therapists we know is priceless!

How will you spend the summer months?

Will you use it to recharge and boost your well-being?

Or will you be working on your business?

I would love to hear your plans.

Photograph Credit: Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash.